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Thursday 25 September 2014

Chance or Destiny......Part 4 Continues........

...I froze........

Makanaky was wearing a nice blue Tommy Hilfiger polo top and a sea bleached jeans on a brown moccasin shoes and with his 6 feet frame he was an attractive young man and also a cool guy to relate with but that day  seemed to be his last day on earth.

Am the kind of person that don't judge people based on association but by the content of their character that is why it was always easy for me to relate with the muslim brothers (alfas),the christian brothers and sisters ,the efikos (nerds),the NFA(no future ambition) and even the dagbo guys.....

Makanaky staggered out of the exit,he was soaked with blood ,a broken bottle was on his left hand,he stopped momentarily like someone that was disoriented and obfuscated.Our eyes locked for seconds and it was as if it was questioning me,asking for help.

Meanwhile the gun shots had already caused chaos because all the students were running helter skelter,students were trying to rush out of the SUB and since the other 3 exits were manned by the attackers the fourth unguarded exit was easily the way out.

Three students rushed out of the exit almost at the same time and one of them knocked Makanaky down to the ground,he dropped the broken bottle as he hit the ground.The three guys did not stop.Serious shouting was still going on in the SUB.

All these happened in moments while i was still standing there undecided,i moved sharply towards Makanaky as if i have just been given a shot of adrenaline,i did not know what i was doing but apparently i just wanted to help him on his feet because i could see he was weak.I was like 4 steps to him when suddenly one of the attackers burst on to the scene with an automatic pistol in his hand.He wore a hooded top and of average height,he was  dark and had slit eyes and death was written all over his face.

I stopped instantly and we were locked in a 3 dimensional stare..........the attacker  looked at me then looked at Makanaky.........i looked at  Makanaky then looked at the attacker..........Makanaky looked at the me then  looked at the attacker.............

The attacker lifted his hand and pointed the gun at Makanaky and squeezed the trigger.........


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