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Monday 1 September 2014

Chance or Destiny....Part 4.....Starting

I was angry.........
I could not put a finger on the reason,maybe because of the many If's...
what if i had dated Salewa....
what if i had not helped Wahedi...
what if Wahedi had been vindictive.....
what if,what if ,what if.....

I felt like making some calls, ...ohhh shoot!! my phone had been stolen.I had a sudden craving for nicotine,i opened the glove box looking for my pack of B&H.I dipped my hand in,it was not there.
'awon weere yi tun ji cigar mi'....these mad men even took my pack of cigarettes.

Dexter had to go!..that is about the only 'person' i can vent my anger on,he had become very popular enough for Wahedi to recognise it,it could have had another outcome.Am calling the dealer first thing tomorrow morning,i should get a good price for him or i can sell it to one of my colleague at the office,he has been asking me for a while.
The queue was moving ever so slowly but i was no longer in a hurry,i locked Dexter crossed to the other side of the road to get some cigarettes from the Aboki,i was giving every person i met a second look,can't trust anybody again!.
I should stop smoking i said to myself ,at least i was no longer very active as per sports again.I smiled to myself as i remembered one occasion back in the university that i was saved by a stick of cigarette.

My university back then had two campuses,one was on the permanent site and the other was called mini campus,all the science students were on the permanent site campus and the rest of the disciplines were on mini campus.
And of course all the babes were located on the mini campus so it was not odd for you to always see guys from the permanent campus coming to chat up girls and generally hang out cos all the fun was there.
I was inducted into the abe igi hall of fame by Kpanpa, Kpanpa and i were high school friends and we met again in the university and he was already a campus veteran.anyways that story would come up some other time...........Lol
I was a  poker player in school and you will mostly find me in the SUB (Student union building) gambling after classes.All gamblers are under a universal law to keep the peace but once in a while a sore loser could start up trouble but we usually die it .
This particular day,i had finished my lectures on time and i had some money i thought i could double  so off i went to the bus park,T.J just paid me for the shirt i sold to him so i was quite buoyant.
'know when to hold,know when to fold ,know when to run away.....'.....i whistled away Kenny Rogers song

I got to the campus ,chatted with some few guys ,checked on a babe and proceeded to the SUB.....

Game was already on....................

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