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Wednesday 1 August 2018

The Serpentes Veil (2)

It took the police 3 days to find her body,well what was left of ''her'' ,some wild animals had done justice to the corpse and it was barely recognizable. Now the heat will be on,the police have to raise against time to solve this gruesome crime,it was an election year and the police knew solving the case quickly would launder their image for the  next government and might even mean additional funds for policing. Miss Yeti was not just an ordinary citizen ,she was one of the community leaders and also the president of the women fellowship in church,though not married, she was an icon in the society. Was she killed or attacked by wild animals? The police had these questions to answer.
He got home later that night ,he went straight to where he kept the murder weapon ,seeing the caked blood on the blade of the axe sent a rush of adrenaline to his veins. He picked it up and felt the balance of the weight  .He couldn't wait for the service to be over ,it was unusually long and he had to really muster his full patience not to storm out and get home. He stood for a while trying to decide whether to clean the axe or not,he decided not to,it would be a collectors delight to add to his next victim. He took his blood stained clothes went to the backyard ,poured some petrol and watched    it burn .
''The only thing I know is that I know nothing'' Tade  smiled as he remembered the qoute from Plato Socrates ,he was a graduate of physiology and an ardent researcher in this regard ,he believed that you can find peace in the midst of chaos. Going to church gave him a good cover even though he was a pathological liar and a psychotic schizophrenia. Along the way he got religion mixed up in his demented fantasy and now he believed that you don't have to wait for the chaos to start when you can start one.
*What better way to start one than by eliminating unworthy people, at least this will justify the chaos,choose one,judge and execute. Miss Yeti failed the test and she paid with her life, she deserved it, her facade did not fool him,he was the only one that saw through her ,saw her sins and her weakness, such people are virus , cut them before they multiply. people in church did not know what he knew about her,they all thought she was an icon to emulate,well not him,he couldn't be fooled .
It all started about 3 months ago when she bumped into him in church.
''Haa brother Tade,I have been looking for you since we finished choir practice......

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